Sunday, June 7, 2009

Non-Warranty and The Smell Test

It seems gun makers want to discourage injured gun users from consulting an attorney.
An attorney would know that the feeble attempts in the gun manuals to avoid
would not survive common or statutory law (even unique law in Louisiana).
The famous case of the sw460 injury proceeds. Trial of Brown v Smith & Wesson
is scheduled for Sept 28, 2009 in Arkansas Western District Federal Court.
TO: Images on cylinder blast gap.

TO: revolver slowmo
TO: revolver test

TO: Smith 44 test

TO: Mythbusters Episode-122 "…can cause your fingers to be blown off …"

This wording is not pro-customer, and not very "Ruger".
(Maybe no big deal unless the heat treat was goofed up.)

Taurus is not much better ....


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