Saturday, December 11, 2010


r4, 27July2014
There are several aftermarket safeties made for Glocks, and that's
because the three "safety" features are ALL just drop safeties.
A drop safety for impact from below is a shelf at the sear that requires aft
movement before the sear can slip downward off the striker hook.
A drop safety for impact from the aft direction is the "trigger safety" resisting the
inertia of the trigger linkage, preventing sear separation from the striker hook.

A report at "thehighroad" on 26mar2014 indicates that someone had a smith remove
the trigger safety on a competition gun, then the gun fell about 4ft and discharged.
Assuming this, the primary value of the trigger safety is drop protection,
not unlikely protection from a force against the side of the trigger.

There are NY-1 and NY-2 trigger mods sold to reduce unintended discharges.

I decided not to get a Glock after finding too many reports of
unintended discharge by leo. .It has a light pre-loaded trigger,
and any time a round is in the chamber, the gun must be either in a
good holster, or properly drawn for firing.

Glocks require standard-pressure factory ammo. It's a military weapon,
with large chamber clearance and deep feed ramp that will allow a case
to burst at the primer end when other guns would not. And the polygon
rifling needs jacketed bullets to avoid fouling and overpressure.

Glocks are also unreliable due to cycle jams if not gripped firmly.
It has a low bore axis, but tests using a weak grip show that it might be
one of the worst common pistols for those firing with one hand or with
a weak grip.   Glocks jamming from weak hold

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